Thursday, 31 March 2011


So, due to popular demand, I have started a blog.  I cite as evidence this FB post as well as my lovely officemate's assertions that I really must do so.  Kayhan, you win.

Here's some background on me.  I'm not a housewife in that I'm not married and I have three jobs outside of the house (two of which are related to my PhD, the third being my weekend work as a greengroceress).  However, I live in a small stone cottage in the Scottish countryside with my tall, dark, and handsome partner and our sweet, German flatmate.  I'm American, but grew up mainly overseas.  I have very liberal politics, but an old-fashioned approach to making things, especially if those things require cooking.

And here's the reason for this blog: I like deals.  I also like nice things, going nice places, and eating nice foods.  Sadly, I am a po' graduate student, so these aren't things which are very accessible on my budget...or so you'd think.  I guess I'm blogging in order to share the gorgeous deals and opportunities which cross my desktop from time to time, without totally clogging up my friends' newsfeed on Facebook with the latest Joules dresses, Terra Plana shoes, cheap flights, or practically-free tinned tomatos.

So, welcome.  Bienvenidos a todos.  Let's have some fun...


  1. Looking forward to more lovely shoes! Also, rhubarb! I thought I was the only one who loves it!

  2. Excellent, excellent!
